Residential Care and ExtraCare Schemes

Our Video Series

SWJ Consulting have considerable experience with a range of care home providers and extra care schemes. These can come in various built forms from blocks of flats to bungalow estates.

Watch the video featuring Russell Wrapson, one of SWJ’s directors,  to find out more.

Considerable Experience In Multi-Level Buildings

SWJ Consulting has considerable experience in delivering housing for several residential care providers facing the issues of multi-level buildings, designed around garden courts and challenging landscape elements for access and leisure activities.

ExtraCare residential care and assisted living developments can come in many forms including blocks of flats, bungalow estates and retirement villages with a range of built forms. Access is always a central issue as well as creating an environment that is homely and not clinical.

Many care schemes are on sites with restricted access or are on multiple levels and we are aware of the challenges in providing earth retaining structures, ramped access and economical foundations to meet the constraints of a landscaped site. We are also conscious with level amenity space for vulnerable people of the flood risk assessment drainage levels and surface water.

Virtual Design and Construction Techniques

SWJ Consulting understands the need for a residential care facility that allows for future flexibility. The virtual design and construction techniques we offer allow design teams and client representatives to make better, informed decisions at an early stage so as not to restrict operational adaptation.

Another unique challenge of a residential care scheme is the coordination of the foundations with the below-ground drainage, considering the large number of residential units each with their own drainage outlet. Working with our civil engineering partners, SWJ Consulting coordinate foundation layouts with drainage proposals to provide a clash detected solution.

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